Introducing MR.IOUMOTVN

May 30, 2021 Ziggy Miller Season 1 Episode 1
Introducing MR.IOUMOTVN
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Introducing MR.IOUMOTVN
May 30, 2021 Season 1 Episode 1
Ziggy Miller

Ziggy introduces some background information about his childhood, higher education, and why he chose to start a podcast. Ziggy was raised by a single mom who relentlessly defeated adversity on numerous occasions. Currently, Ziggy is a first-generation college student at Troy University where he studies Sport Management and Leadership Development. To add, Ziggy also discusses his purpose and ultimate goals.

Instagram- @mr_ioumotvn
Twitter- @ioumotvn
TikTok- @mr.ioumotvn

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Show Notes

Ziggy introduces some background information about his childhood, higher education, and why he chose to start a podcast. Ziggy was raised by a single mom who relentlessly defeated adversity on numerous occasions. Currently, Ziggy is a first-generation college student at Troy University where he studies Sport Management and Leadership Development. To add, Ziggy also discusses his purpose and ultimate goals.

Instagram- @mr_ioumotvn
Twitter- @ioumotvn
TikTok- @mr.ioumotvn

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